Second Republic Project

Second Republic Project

“An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

We summon all free-thinking men and women the world over to come together to take out countries back.

The Second Republic Project is a basic blueprint – a “Template”, if you like – on how we can work together to do this.

We must build Critical Mass among public opinion in each country; then the scales will tip in our favour…

Stop Collaborating with the Global Power Elite! RESISTANCE is the Key!!

News Bulletin - 23rd July 2010 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - [email protected]

New Video Just Released

Describing the Third Pillar for a Second Republic:


Watch our Introductory Video Second Republic: A Idea Whose Time has Come…

(Posted 23rd March 2010):

Part One:

Part Two:

Now, we are presenting on YouTube supplementary videos explaining in more detail the

Five Pillars for a Second Republic.


Third Pillar: REJECT THE DEBT-BASED ECONOMIC SYSTEM – (Posted 28th July 2010)

Part 1:

Part 2:

First Pillar: RESTORE THE SOVEREIGN STATE (Already posted 15th July 2010)

Part One:

Part Two:

Second Pillar: RECOVER A SOVEREIGN CURRENCY (Posted 23rd July 2010) –

Part One:

Part Two:

Go Adrian Go!

Berry's picture

Adrian Salbuchi, an Argentinian gentleman who created the above videos is brilliant and it is valuable to watch the above linked videos to understand where he is coming from.  I have already precieved what he is saying so well and this only encourages me to speak up and then put my words into action.


UKFan1968's picture

Sounds very close to the Zeitgeist Movement...I have not joined the Movement yet but am studying it. Have found very little to debate in their concepts..What do you think?

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