
From Manifest Destiny to Manifest Insanity

From Manifest Destiny to Manifest Insanity
Sunday 04 July 2010
by: Dr. Roberto Cintli Rodriguez, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

As a result of several recent draconian laws, Arizona's image has taken a drubbing internationally. And yet, Arizona is but the spear. In reality, its politics are not dramatically different from those of other states, or from Washington's. More than a dozen states are waiting in the wings with copycat legislation, and the Obama administration continues to view migration through the prisms of law enforcement and military might.

Columbus -- The Template for Colonialism and The American Empire

Columbus Day - As Rape Rules Africa and American Churches Embrace Violent "Christian" Video Games - by Thom Hartmann
"Gold is most excellent; gold constitutes treasure; and he who has it does all he wants in the world, and can even lift souls up to Paradise." -- Christopher Columbus, 1503 letter to the king and queen of Spain.

Bill Moyers Interviews Rev. Jerimiah Wright

In this video, Bill Moyers interviews the brilliantly outspoken and courageous minister, Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Please note that the Reverend Wright has been deliberately smeared - and trashed - by
the war-cheerleading, Republican-owned media (ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN,
etc....), so that Hillary, who "gets along with the Republicans," will

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