military industrial complex

Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer, July 27, 2012

Mark you calendar.  This looks like a good one.  If you're not familiar with the World Puja Network, I believe you can only access the talk for "free" on the day of the event.  (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.) ~ Noa


George Mamouzellos Bachelor of Pharmacy University of South Australia speaks about the Swine Flu Vaccine

George Mamouzellos
 Bachelor of Pharmacy
University of South Australia says :


The Australian Government has used $100 million dollars of our money to buy a swine flu vaccine that some experts believe is several times more dangerous than the swine flu itself.
 Swine flu has killed between 2000 and 3000 people worldwide. The regular flu kills 40 000 people plus, every year, in North America alone. Does freaking out about the swine flu make sense? No, not really.

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"