
Who Killed Martin Luther King?

This link is to a transcript of a talk by William F. Pepper, author of An Act of State. Not only does this talk give the real story of the assassination of Martin Luther King, but it also reveals the extent of the media coverup.

Germany Becomes First Govt to Acknowledge Chemtrails

Found this article this morning...there's lots of good info, videos, links etc.  I've been watching and photographing chemtrails for more than five years. I don't think the links will work in a simple cut-and-paste, but here's the link to the article:

A Tribute To The Ultimate Indigo

Over the last three days and nights I have spent many, many hours working on my website. Today I had planned to spend the day building the first two pages of the real meat of the site, dedicated to resources and information for Indigos. Instead, I was moved to create a tribute to one of my dearest friends of all time, who I recently learned had died last fall.

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"