
We're All 111 in 2011

I heard this interesting fun fact today...

Everyone (except those born in the year 2000 and beyond) can (for this current year only) add their age + their birthdate and always arrive at the sum of 111.

Here's how it works.

Let's say you were born in 1963.  Take the last 2 digits:  63.  Add the age you will be on your birthday in 2011.  In this case, 48.


Is this significant?

Something Light-hearted for a change

I received this little article in an email this morning and couldn't resist sharing it with the Spot. Some of you will get a kick out of the "days gone by" reminiscence, others will others will shiek for the reminder of all the years which have passed.  I got a chuckle at how life has become so complicated and rushed. Hope you all enjoy, especially those of you with children.

L&L Berry


P.S.  of the list at the end, I remembered each and everyone of the items mentioned.  I guess that makes me an old fossil. LOL


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"