Fifth World Leadership

Dear Friends,

If you found the Message from Brigadire General Shadow's remarks a bit discouraging that I posted the other day. Here is a reply from Dr. Boylan that addresses that concern. I think his answer to this man's letter are well stated.

Love to all,

Carl Azcar

Dr. Boylan,

BG Shadow's message leaves me very discouraged--because it presents us with no alternative. However, there HAS to be one! As an old (66 yrs.) activist--I worked for years for nonviolent social change in the Peace movement, Civil Rights movement, AntiPoverty (OEO) programs, United Farm Workers labor organizing and boycotts, voter rights/voter registration, and other--I know we Humans of Good Will, Light Workers, Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Star Seeds, parents and grandparents of Star Children, can and must do what we can to manifest a leader in the U.S. who is not only stong enough to withstand the long struggle to heal our country, our people, and our planet, but also is kind, loving, compassionate, humble, an adherent to the 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws.

I not only address my question to you, Dr. B, but also to Wendi, whose messages show a beautiful understanding of events as they unfold and of how the power of Love and Light can bring about change. What can we all do to "slip into" the White House, or if necessary some other position of leadership, someone like Gandhi/MartinLKingJr./CesarChavez with a little MotherTheresa/WhiteBuffaloCalf?Woman mixed in? It is time for us on Earth to do everything we can in love and peace to manifest worldwide mutual harmony. Leadership, a spokesperson and guide and mentor, to act together with us to bring about the 5th World. If not in the White House, where? Who? How?
Love, Light, Laughter to all,


Brigadier General Shadow's remarks were an observation of the way things have been in American politics for many decades. They do not have to be the way things will be.

As a new member, you may wish to review my description of the Transition from Fourth World to Fifth World society which we are currently engaged in. You will find it at:

As you allude to, many,many lightworkers, Star Seeds, Star Kids, and Humans of Good Will are busy working to reform and transform society in whatever areas of influence they have.

As for radically upgrading the quality of leadership in the United States,one lever we have is that we are currently engaged in a Presidential Election process. The choices are: a woman approved to be President by the Cabal policy organization, the Bilderberg Group; an Ordinary Human who has been a member of the Bilderberg "farm club", the Council on Foreign Relations, since 1997 and is the senior Senator from Arizona; and a Star Seed reformer who is the junior Senator from Illinois.

In the matter of moving the U.S. forward in the global transition to Fifth World, to me the choice among the three is not difficult.

But, then, "it's a free country." (Don't tell Dick Cheney.)

in the light,

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor of/for Earth
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Email: [email protected]
Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA

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