More from Matthew

Hi All,
I think many of you get the compilations from ERN or from Matthew, but I felt this one was very pertinent, so for you, who do not receive them, enjoy.
Love U
August 1, 2007
GOD: My dear Matthew, I too would like to think that I'm known well enough
without any introduction, but certainly my thanks is in order for graciously
letting me preempt your space, and to you, dear little Suzy, for your time in
these busy days.

So then, good morning, all my beloved children! Call me
whatever name you wish-I answer to all. Many of you have been wondering where I
am while so much furor and ferocity is going on in your world. I am here to tell
you that I'm right where I've been since Day One of this
universe-everywhere!-and I have quite a bit to say about this.

To start,
however paradoxical it may seem, the only constant anywhere is change. Your
world is teeming with greater changes than ever before, and I assure you, you
wouldn't want it any other way! Many who sensed a need to make changes are doing
so confidently, but for some of you, moving out of the familiar space seems
scary. "Whatever will happen if I change my job or location or even my mate? Oh
NO, not my beliefs too?!" You'll get on with what you chose to experience,
that's what will happen. Is that so bad, that you'll get yourself out of a rut
and get on with Life's Adventure that you signed up for?

Of course not
everyone needs to change jobs or mates or relocate, but many DO need to change
beliefs, and here are the first two if you believe that (1) Your individuality
means you're separated from everyone else, and (2) I am the cosmic superpower
that makes everything happen. You're definitely a unique individual, but also
you're an inseparable part of me and all others everywhere, and it's ALL of us
in this universe who make things happen.

Hmmmmm. So you're a bigger deal than you thought and maybe I'm not
such a big deal after all. Not exactly, my dear ones. WE ARE, together, ONE
amazing powerhouse with infinite and eternal potential-so yes, you better
believe I AM powerful! And it's not because I control you-I don't.

because you and all other life in this universe are my BEing in all your
experiencing forms-collectively WE ARE this universe!

I have more to say
about beliefs, but let's talk about why I don't control you, which is much like
your idea that I let bad things happen to good people. This is how it goes:
Creator, ruler of the cosmos-that's all the universes-gave you free will to
express whatever you want to and gave us universe rulers a law we have to obey:
Stay out of your soul parts' choices! Eons later Creator made the one exception
to that law: "No nuclear wars anywhere," so now we rulers have the authority to
stop all efforts to do that.

Otherwise, it's your choices all the way,
and actually, that's an excellent basis for your multiple lifetimes around our
universe. If you stray from the path you chose in your soul contracts-those
pacts you make before you are born so you can grow beyond that stage of
evolution-I can't mess with that, and you wouldn't want me to. If your
birthright to make your own decisions suddenly went pooooof and I started
mapping out every one of your lives, I believe I would hear howls of

I do have a hand in this, though. Creator thoughtfully put a
loophole in that free will law that lets me put conscience as an ingredient of
your souls, and that's what can keep you on your straightaway path if you want
it to. Like everything else, it's your choice to pay attention to it or ignore
it. Conscience should come with a warning: Ignore me and I'll become extinct.
Well, just as you don't come with copies of your soul contracts, you don't come
with a warrantee on your conscience either. You have instinct, intuition,
inspiration and a sense of honor, too-those are other ingredients I put in souls
that also help you know what's right and what's wrong for

But-sometimes "but" is necessary, and this is a big one-what you
may think is right may be wrong and vice versa. You don't consciously know
what's in your contract, and you sure don't know what's in anyone else's. Your
contract is your part of the pre-birth agreement made by the souls who want to
be in on the "give-and-take" lifetime of shared experiences. The agreements
provide growth opportunities for every soul, so you can see that they're
all-around win-win situations.

So think about this: You (or they) chose
to be on one end or the other of "bad" things and you (or they) did it for one
of two reasons, both of which provide experiencing that balances other
lifetimes, and balance is essential for soul growth. One, you (or they) needed
to feel what it's like to endure hardships and others volunteered to provide the
circumstances that let you (or them) do that. Or: "Been there, done that" and
this time around you (or they) are the volunteer(s). You can call this karma if
you like-just don't interpret this opportunity to achieve balance as a reward or
a punishment for yourself or anyone else.

Something else you need to
know about those agreements is that unconditional love is the basis on which ALL
the souls fill their various roles. Out of love, some agree to be the "heavies"
for those who choose the "rough way to go"-I explained the reason for this
see-saw experiencing. The thing is, you've been stuck for only I know how long
on this bumpy see-saw of third density, where deceit, tyranny, violence and
corruption are part and parcel of everyday life. You're sick and tired of it, so
this time around you chose-again!-to get out of it, and believe me, you wouldn't
want me sticking my finger in and doing anything that might keep you in it! You
have no idea of the domino effect if I meddled in just a few lives, no matter
how good my intention! I'm not allowed to do that anyway.

Now, some of
my children aren't on Earth to wind up their karma-or if you prefer, call this
universal law Divine Grace-they're there to HELP all the rest of you do it. And
you'd better be grateful that they are willing to temporarily leave their
families and homelands in higher planes to help you fulfill your pre-birth
choice to deal with third density and be done with it.

Since doing that may require you to make some changes, maybe you'll
welcome more suggestions for going about that. Pay attention to what Matthew
said about DON'T GO INTO FEAR! I'll add this: If you think you have any enemies,
you'd better know that fear's by far the worst. From my point of view, it's your
ONLY one, and I strongly suggest you give my opinion of this careful

Then there's what you could consider the other end of the
spectrum from fear: pettiness, that clutter-clatter of attitudes, interests and
activity that keep you preoccupied with trivialities that aren't worth even one
bean in the hill, yet have the power to prevent knowledgeable, sensible
evaluations and decisions. Of course I know what your petty stuff is-we are ONE,
remember?-and I'm suggesting that you sort through that vast heap of mindless TV
programs and gossip sessions; pointless tiffs and jealousies; nit-picking,
nagging and griping; letting mere curiosity rather than core interests occupy
your thoughts; and worries about "what if" and rumors of dire

Now if those include your enjoyments, I'm not criticizing
you-I'm simply giving you motherly-fatherly advice: Compare how much time and
energy you spend in those pursuits with how much you devote to LIGHTening your
mind, body and spirit. Say, to conversations or correspondence with like-minded
folks, or to the silence and solitude that ease the pressure of daily
responsibilities. Playing with your families and animals, smiling and laughing,
listening to melodious music or reading something that expands your mind, or
connecting with the beauty of Nature. Seeing and feeling thankful for the
blessings in your life and going within your deepest self and listening to the
song of your soul.

"But I'm already too busy!" won't cut it, my dear
children. What I've just mentioned is restorative, rejuvenating, energizing and
essential for balance in your days and within you. When you oust pettiness in
its many forms, and I may have forgotten some, there IS time for uplifting

Another thing is, "Judge notŠ"-some things in the Bible are
right. You do know that I don't ever judge you, don't you? "Judgment day"-I
don't care much for that term-is when you review your past lifetime in the
context of ALL your lifetimes, see where you need to improve things, and based
on that you choose what to put in your soul contract for the next time around.
Anyway, not judging is a key to helping self and each other evolve and so is
gratitude. Feeling thankful for the help is as important as not judging the
helpers. That doesn't ever mean approving of greed or viciousness or
violence-you certainly don't have to do that! Gratitude is acknowledging and
appreciating that some of you agreed to play the "heavies" because others need
that to wrap up their last remnants of third density. It would be good, too, if
you also feel thankful that you wanted and were selected to participate in this
magnificent time of Earth's entry into the Golden Age.

"Golden" because
only light will prevail on Earth, and how she will rejoice! She is a beloved
part of me just as you are yourself, and what a price she paid to give her
humankind many, many, MANY chances to get it right and "see the light"-it nearly
cost her planetary life. I'll tell you more about that, but the point here is,
she's giving all of you this one last chance to wake up and wise up. Part of
that is, you have to stop confusing religion with spirituality, and that brings
us back to beliefs.

I'm not saying that all of you are clinging to
beliefs that are based on false teachings, but if you believe that your religion
is better than all the others, listen up. My messengers whom you attach to the
various religions didn't set those up. In a nutshell, the very concept of
religion came from the thoughts of dark ones off-planet, and today's religious
teachings are based on what a few of my self-serving parts on the planet said a
long time ago: If you don't obey God-or some other name they gave me-you're
doomed, and they said that was "My Word." Those few folks wanted to control
everyone else, so they wrote the rules of "obedience" that spell "doom" to
falterers. And I have to tell you, Christianity is THE major digresser from the
truth that my messenger came to give. Yes, the one you call Jesus, and oh my!
how they changed his life from the factual to the fictional-it's hard to know
where to begin to set the story straight.

The FACT is that Jesus was never put on a cross, so there was no
crucifixion or resurrection. That rather blows the whole foundation of Christian
dogma, doesn't it? For how, then, could it be that "he gave his life to save
sinners"? Sinners means the whole lot of you, according to those who came up
with the idea that everyone is "born into sin." Oh dear me! The only "sin," if
you will, is interfering with the growth of a soul, your own or anyone else's,
and the result is DEvolution with as many more chances as needed NOT to do

Then there's Mary Magdalene- how wretchedly the Bible portrays
her! She was Jesus' wife and ultimate soulmate, and after the Sanhedrin flogged
her husband and warned him to get out of their territory-they didn't want to
make him a martyr as that would give impetus to his teachings-they went to the
East where Jesus had spent the "lost" years learning from the masters how to
perform "miracles" and where he knew his family was safe. He and Mary had a
large happy family there, and years later they all traveled to the West and
settled in what now is France. Eventually Jesus returned to the East and along
the way continued teaching My REAL Word-the Bible includes some of that, but
everything in the early records that didn't support the self-serving ones' cause
got left out-and he lived to a ripe old age. Although in their later years he
and his adored Mary were apart in body, they were so highly attuned spiritually
that they were together then, as now and evermore, in spirit and celestial

Later leaders of the Roman Catholic faith made up
absurdities like "the only son of God," "virgin birth" and "immaculate
conception" and made layers of saints. They did that to put still more distance
between "my ONLY son" and all my other children-and ME, who is ALL of you!-as
well as making themselves the gate-keepers to heaven. Or hell. Actually, neither
exists as portrayed, but that's another story.

Those leaders were
greedy, too. In the centuries during and after Jesus' life, the same few people
ran church and state, and along with unfair taxation of their poor countrymen,
the church of Rome came up with a two-edged sword to cement their control: You
can atone for your sins-they made those up too-if you confess and pay money, and
a portion of everything you have must be given as well. That spread to other
churches and you know it as tithing. Something else that church did now and
again was demand of their priests sexual abstinence, as if denying that strong
nature in humankind made them more "saintly," and you know what that led to.
Then there were all those wars and inquisitions and brutal killings in my

Later movers and shakers of the Roman Catholic religion decreed
that birth control is a sin and more recently, so is abortion. With the wanton
killings they've caused or sanctioned throughout the ages, it's hardly sanctity
of life that interests them. No, it's to keep the population growing that
financially supports them and bows to their authority. From Day One of the
papacy, the appointed one and his close circle have lived in opulence that has
been paid for by the masses they brainwashed into believing that the church's
rules came from ME.

If it sounds like I'm picking on that religion, it's
because its headquarters, the Vatican, has been the biggest hotbed of darkness
from its beginning. No other religion has it all right or all wrong
either-strands of truth are in the "holy books," but the Bible is by far the
most seriously distorted to keep unquestioning followers mesmerized. And while
the original basis of individuals' faith may have been pure long ago, fanatical
elements have defiled that purity to the extent that some of you think they
represent the religion itself.

Realizing that EVERY soul is a precious
and EQUAL part of me and I love each and every one unconditionally, let's look
at the collective soul-selves "religiously." Fundamentalist Protestants say that
unless you accept Jesus as your "lord and savior," you'll burn in hell for
eternity-I notice that they tend to leave me out of it. Some congregations have
split over accepting or scorning my beloved children who are homosexual by birth
choice, and they choose it for good reason: It's an advanced stage of balanced
masculine and feminine energies, and all my children experience those lifetimes
as they progress toward androgyny. Islam is seen as rewarding its followers for
"killing the infidels," and my women children are deemed inferior to my men
children. Zionism, a political militant movement, hides behind the skirts of
Judaism and cries "anti-Semitism"; and the pacifist Far Eastern religions, which
have adhered most closely to my messengers' teachings, are deemed by the others
as out of touch with reality. As if those painful departures from SPIRITUALITY
aren't enough, this whole situation has become so befouled that even Satanism
with its diabolical tortures and human sacrifice is an established

It's been like the plaintiff wail of a broken record but with far
harsher, far sadder effects as generation after generation, my Earth soul-selves
have been mind-controlled by religious "authorities." Once the people were stuck
in those clutches, governments and all other institutions that impact life on
Earth easily became authority figures too. Souls come in with amazing intuition
and the capacity to use common sense and reason wisely, but the collective
influence of "authorities" dulled those abilities. My children bought into the
rhetoric and obeyed the instructions, even when it meant being sent off to war
after war, where billions have killed and been killed.

How did that whole
sad state of affairs come about? It was the work of the off-planet dark force
that is without conscience, without light except the spark of viability. That
force "captured" my weak-willed children of Earth who got caught up in the lure
of power and money and, performing as the force's puppets, they kept all the
rest of my children in the bondage of fear, poverty and ignorance. The souls'
need for balanced experiencing kept it going until now-that ages-old
merry-go-round is stopping. There's more to say about that, but I want to give
you a good example of ignorance.

"All life began in the sea and apes are
humans' ancestors." OH?! I'm not saying that primitive sea life and apes and
their relatives aren't parts of me, but can't you see how DEMEANING the very
idea is that that is how I started you, my HUMAN souls?! You credit me-well,
some of you do-with making you "in my own image," and I assure you, my drawing
board didn't start with you as amoebas, some of which I "inspired" to move to
dry land and grow into apes, and then I picked which ones of those I wanted to
become humans. Your ancestors are such highly spiritual and intelligent beings
that you can't even imagine it! Yes, your "theory of evolution" was in there
somewhere, but not as you understand it. Nothing's "black or white" the way you

Now about the price Earth paid for enduring the darkness
throughout the millennia of the insidious workings of religions and other
sources of near equal dark persuasion. She kept giving her own light to sustain
the lives of her humankind as they slaughtered each other and destroyed and
polluted her Nature until all the bloodshed and devastation nearly claimed her
own body, your planet home. Her soul, which stayed in its high plane of origin
as her body spiraled downward into low third density, was in deep sorrow and
despair. Her planetary self survived because she cried out for help and my
children in civilizations far advanced from you spiritually, intellectually and
technologically-yes, some are your ancestors!-rushed to infuse Earth's body with
their light so it could survive. She wanted to give you this one last chance to
open your minds, "light up" your consciousness and shake free from the shackles
of that dark force.

And this brings us to why that LONG merry-go-round
ride that you're sick and tired of is stopping. So is my beloved Earth fed up
with it! She's on the fast track out of third density where, until recently, the
darkness has been quite successful, but its time is up-the dark force "has left
the building," so to say. Only the lingering effects of its influence on its
Earth puppets remain and those are fading fast. The truths "coming to light" are
exposing once-hidden agenda, and by the impartial law of physics regarding form
and frequencies, the puppet's refusal to accept the light will cause their
demise along Earth's ascension path. Your dear planet is homeward bound to her
soul's blissful plane, and all who go with her will live in harmonious
cooperation with your benevolent "space" family. The trip ticket is free, but
with strings: You need to know and live the TRUTH of who WE ARE. This isn't
complex-it's as simple as paying attention to what your soul is telling you!
"Going within" automatically connects you consciously with soul-self-that's you
and me-and all the rest follows naturally.

I never take sides-how could
I when I'm ALL of you!-but I do have my druthers, and I'd love to have all my
children choose to live together peacefully. So I hope you will believe what
I've said and act on it, but I can't make you-it's always been your choice to
believe what you want, do what you want. All I can do is add my voice to the
messengers who have told you the very same things through their Earth receivers.
What will happen if you don't believe us? What will happen to the souls who will
never know about our messages? They will go to a placement attuned to the energy
they put forth in deeds and motives throughout the lifetime.

Some will journey with Earth because they are living in "godly" ways
simply by heeding their souls' messages. They live from their hearts, where
unconditional love, kindness, honor, truth, compassion and desire to help others

Some will go through it again-the tyranny, violence, corruption,
lies, the hold of religions-and they'll come in with the brain power to question
and reason, yet another chance to break free of dark control. But not on Earth.
There are other third density places in our universe where rampant disrespect
for life will go on until all my soul parts know the truth of their god- and

And some will DEvolve and start over from scratch.
They're the ones who persist in choosing darkness over LOVE, the same Creator
Source energy as light. Constantly light will be beamed to those souls, who will
start with only basic instinct, and when they accept the light, they'll recall a
smidgeon of intelligence. As they accept more light, they will remember a
modicum of reasoning ability, and so on and so on. This isn't punishment, it's a
chance for those parts of me to start over without even a hint of

It's quite a lot to think about, isn't it? There is time, my
beloveds, but frankly, not much, to decide what you want. Whatever that is, I
will honor it, and if it's help, ask and it shall be given!

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