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onesong's picture5 years ago
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onesong posted a new Video in Inspirations/Transformational Stories:

The first thing I read this morning was that Leonard Cohen has left this world.  A master of music has taken his place in a more Angelic realm.  I consider him genius. His music became more poignant as he aged, his voice rough - his words often tender. So I ask a blessing on his way and offer you these. In memoriam, Dear Mr. Cohen.

  • fredburks's picture
    7 years ago

    Thanks for sharing those beautiful songs, Kristyne! And thank you Leonard Cohen for sharing your heart and soul with all of us!

  • onesong's picture
    7 years ago

    An interesting conversation with a lifelong friend about the songwriter and the man, a discussion about Hallelujah from the New York Times.

  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    Thanks so much for the story on Hallelujah Kristyne, I had seen a discussion on it somewhere, and no one had the correct answer..... I just stumbled on this version,,,by pentatonix,,, ,,,,,and it has the lyrics

  • Bodhi's picture
    7 years ago

    just so, good sister, just so...

  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    Whatever force brought those kids together definitely had this in mind, they are just so tight. And there's only a few real bass vocalists out there,,Avi is one of them. I was downloading their videos and playing them for the kids in China,,,they were in awe, and begged for them every day. Of course they are the same kids that begged for Minecraft parodies too!

    If you didn't follow Kristyne's link on the other post, Cohen explained that the song was written as a sort of recognition, or acceptance, of a "less than perfect" world,, which I guess is like saying,,,"All is as it should be",,or,,"All is well",,,, kind of fitting for the Gspot

  • juliemartyn's picture
    5 years ago

    Since I first came across Hallelujah many years ago I've been haunted by its beauty and appreciated the occasions when it popped up unbidden in my life. I was amazed and delighted when I found this song on Jai-Jagdeesh's 'Of Heaven and Earth' which I bought totally on a whim without having heard it, and which is now one of my favourite albums! Just a very small example of how God moves in mysterious ways ....

juliemartyn's picture5 years ago
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lightwins's picture5 years ago
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lightwins posted a new News Article in General Discussion:
  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    The Dutroux affair is a key to understanding how child sex trafficking rings are used to corrupt and control politicians around the world. For by far what I have seen is the best coverage of this incident, see the amazing, disturbing documentary "The Imperium" at By shining a light into the shadows, we can make a big difference.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    I find it interesting (I site the Catholics, although they are all different, like everyone), how damn near EVERYBODY has been coerced into regular "transgression". The whole confession shtick seems to encourage people to "sin" and then just repeatedly ask for forgiveness...

    But they ain't got nothing on the mainstream media as far as contradictions go.

    The way it plays and preys on people's minds and emotions with distractions and confusion of a devious nature. Keeping everyone fixated and trapped in mostly lower emotions (fear, anger, sadness). If there's laughter, it's usually based on perpetuating stereotypes or repetitive animalistic laugh tracks...

    But I DIGRESS.

    So, yes, they get the politicians and celebrities, anyone with "power" or influence in their pocket so they can't rock the boat or disturb the paradigm. They underestimate us "little folk" breaking free.

    I'm unplugging from it more and more these days. Going within for balance and holding to the center.

    Aren't any answers "out there". And I'd like to see what's on the other side when this mess sorts itself out. Create a new and better world.

    Adios Washington! Adios Disney! Adios parasites of human greed and misery!


Starmonkey's picture5 years ago
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Starmonkey posted a new Topic in Transformation Tools:

Really digging Joe Martino on Collective Evolution channel on YouTube. He sounds like a GRADUATE of the transformation course... Not sure which video to post. Some are more dated or limited in their scope. Anyway...

Check him out if you want!

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Very much agreed he is doing some great work there. I only wish it was $199/yr to be a subscriber and access most of their content.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Ideas... Events... People. I'm an IDEAS guy, for sure. But I do get caught up in the circus spectacle! Barely.

    Now I'm losing my marbles cause of people that spend too much time on google earth.


    JC on a popsicle stick. It's CRAZY. Looks like our long lost sibling Nibiru and our genetic jailors visited a couple hundred years ago and changed things up a bit.

    REALLY gets me intrigued as to WHY. Are we really that powerful that ALL of these methods need employed? WOW. We're holding out on the universe. Time to ENGAGE.

    I'm going exploring north a few hours this summer. See what happened to this great inland sea that spilled out all over and helped fuel the gold frenzy. Dig up some truth about our situation...

  • esrw02's picture
    5 years ago

    Wow man, I am all for that let me know what you find ? I am very interested .



  • esrw02's picture
    5 years ago

    Everything in modern civilization is based on

    this concept of time which is not valid.

    People think time works like a watch,

    but that's another one of their dreadful illusions.


5 years ago
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esrw02's picture5 years ago
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esrw02 posted a new News Article in General Discussion:
  • esrw02's picture
    5 years ago

    Row, row, row your boat

    Gently down the stream

    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

    Life is but a dream!

    Hmmmmmm interesting !!!

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Are you?... Talking to yourself?...


  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    The words you say go with one of my very favorite videos. It's only two minutes:"

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    It IS, fo sho. And I reckon the wave of ennui is about to topple. Self-responsibility and personal accountability will be the coin of the realm when the other farces collapse under their own inequity.

    Probably why the FEW fade away and disappear, because the MANY hold the "reality" in check. But, exponentially failing more every day, because everyone IS inherently different. Politics, religion, sociology FAIL for that reason. It may be the saving grace in the face of the dominant paradigm. SYSTEM FAILURE. "Shooting" for the GLOBAL FAMILY culture! Freedom of personal expression for EVERYBODY! Whoo, baby!

    Gonna be WEIRD. I hope...

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Here I am. Talking to my self...

    Wanted to share from Her-Bak Egyptian Intitiate by Isha Schwaller de Lubicz about the PHOENIX.

    The Benu-Phoenix...

    According to Gardiner, the benu is a member of the same species as the heron "shenty"- that is, the Ardea cinerea or the Ardea purporea. Actually, the roles given to the benu are mythical, and a particular species cannot be assigned to them. An example is the phoenix, which according to the hermetic legend, burns on a funeral pyre in order to be reborn from its ashes.

    The Egyptians connect the Venus of the morning with the benu, the bird bearing the soul of Osiris. Herodotus spoke of this fabulous bird under the name of phoenix. He says that he saw only a painting of it: In form and size it resembled an eagle, and its feathers were red and gold. Herodotus relates that according to a legend of Heliopolis, the phoenix came to Egypt from Arabia every five hundred years when its father's time came to die; it wrapped the body in an egg of myrrh and carried it to Egypt to place it in the temple of the Sun.

    Just sharing cause I've had lots of herons showing up lately in books and readings. Plus the obvious and shadowy EXCITEMENT around THAT part of the world! Not about oil! Not about religion! What IS it about?... Hmmm...

    BLOOD and FIRE.

    It's gettin hot in here!...

  • esrw02's picture
    5 years ago

    kool huh ! Nice Fred !!!!

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5 years ago
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fredburks's picture5 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in WingMakers Forum:
  • Starmonkey's picture
    9 years ago

    The aerial photo from the website doesn't look like anywhere near Chaco Canyon. And it doesn't resemble the Chuska mountains as visible from a distance on the highway we drove up through Navajo country. Maybe from the other northerly direction as stated above, ihni. We went south toward CC and not into Bandelier NP. Chuska does contain similar phonics as Chakobsa, though, so there may be a connection there...

    Regarding the topic above about the original info. I do find it a disadvantage when attempting to meditate on or resonate with the WM art to not have the original music or any notes or notations of it. The only stuff available now is new-agey junk, and I'm PRETTY sure "Soulfoo [d]" is not it. Way too repetitive and uninteresting when compared to the poetry and paintings. Like preschool compared to graduate school. 

    Just my opinion, but wish we could dig up more somewhere. Not related to .com

  • fredburks's picture
    9 years ago

    Yes, Chris. I so wish I had access to the original music. I did not even know how to download music back in 2001 when I was exploring all of this. I've had many people email saying they have the original music, but none of what was sent to me grabbed me. Here's what Mark Hempel, who hosts the WM website, had to say about the music:

    "The original files were not very commercial-sounding, though the fidelity was outstanding. I heard the files in their original state and could sense the melodies, but it wasn't until after their production that they became least by my ear's standards."

    More on this is available on the link at, which I believe has some legitimate and intriguing stuff. Thanks again for bringing this all up.

    Much love and warm wishes,

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Hey all! I just wanted to bring this topic back up as a reminder of the intriguing exchanges we've had on this most fascinating topic. Much love to all!

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    I'm still SO CURIOUS about where the original site came from... AND where the original music is... AND how it ties into our current experience with alien invasions/takeovers, humanity on the edge of SOMETHING HUGE, and what IS time, anyway?...

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    From what I've gathered, our time/space experience (relativity/ly) is unique to our in body as humans. Robert Monroe said OOB they become much more fluid and not fixed. WingMakers are supposedly future us. Some "aliens" as well. What's the interest in NOW?

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Yes, Chris. Time is such an intriguing thing. Now is the only time that ever exists, yet somehow we experience time mostly as linear in this physical reality. One thing I know, time has become much more fluid for me since being exposed to Monroe and the WingMakers. Cool and very intriguing stuff!

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fredburks's picture5 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Personal/Spiritual Growth:
In the more subtle or expanded realms, it’s all about the frequencies we radiate. Each of us is constantly radiating a wide, complex range of frequencies. These frequencies generate a unique energetic field around each of us which interacts with the frequency fields of those we meet. Some parts of the complex combination of frequencies we radiate resonate with certain frequencies of those around us. This resonance creates a dance between our energy fields. The more resonance there is between two people’s energy fields, the more meaningful are the interactions created.
  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Thanks, Fred. I was reminded of that a few months back revisiting Masaru Emoto's work with water molecules. We can even "bless" our food and water, places, etc....

    It shows how our thoughts and feelings create our reality, and the more you spend in certain vibrations, the more likely they are to be your daily bread.

    And EVERYBODY is just trying to "play the game" and "survive" (chakra #ONE)...

    So, don't "hate" the player, "hate" the game! But I'm all for those of us already waking up to play a different game. Encourage others there are other ways!


  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Yes, Starmonkey. We are creating a new game here on planet Earth. It's quite exciting! I think eventually the ones playing the old game will get bored and realize we're having more fun. Then we'll really see some big changes. Enjoy!

melivale's picture5 years ago
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melivale posted a new Topic in New Energy/Technology:

Hi Gathering Spot Community,
I'm excited lately to be catching up on the channelings of Lee Carroll and the entity Kryon. It's all very encouraging (I'd been going down a rabbit hole of doom and gloom for a few months). I still believe that humanity is evolving towards greater compassion - and I have to remind myself to remain patient as we adjust to the energy of the shift that is slowly permeating this planet since 2012.

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Very cool, Melinda. There is a great variety of souls on this planet that co-exist together. I sense that ever increasing numbers are opening to transformation and co-creation, yet there are still many who are quite focused on what you could call selfish motives.

    As long as the selfish faction don't end up destroying the planet (I'm optimistic that won't happen), these two groups will likely continue to co-exist. I suspect the selfish faction will gradually realize that those of us who are into growth and transformation are having more fun and want to join us.

    One thing is certain, we are blessed to live in fascinating times! Take care and enjoy.

    With much love and warm wishes,


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