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melivale's picture5 years ago
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melivale posted a new Topic in New Energy/Technology:

Hi Gathering Spot Community,
I'm excited lately to be catching up on the channelings of Lee Carroll and the entity Kryon. It's all very encouraging (I'd been going down a rabbit hole of doom and gloom for a few months). I still believe that humanity is evolving towards greater compassion - and I have to remind myself to remain patient as we adjust to the energy of the shift that is slowly permeating this planet since 2012.

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Very cool, Melinda. There is a great variety of souls on this planet that co-exist together. I sense that ever increasing numbers are opening to transformation and co-creation, yet there are still many who are quite focused on what you could call selfish motives.

    As long as the selfish faction don't end up destroying the planet (I'm optimistic that won't happen), these two groups will likely continue to co-exist. I suspect the selfish faction will gradually realize that those of us who are into growth and transformation are having more fun and want to join us.

    One thing is certain, we are blessed to live in fascinating times! Take care and enjoy.

    With much love and warm wishes,


5 years ago
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Starmonkey's picture5 years ago
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Starmonkey posted a new Topic in Political Activism/Cover-ups:

Been watching Steven Greer on YouTube a bunch. Things are picking up inertia in the hierarchical realm...

Wish there was a way to converse with him regarding WingMakers materials. Seems it might help him streamline his agenda.

And he doesn't seem to realize (yet) that, not only does technology and belief systems and the war regime face the threat of proper disclosure, but MONEY in and of itself would become unnecessary.

The WHOLE pack of cards will crumble.

I'm SO excited if we can gently pull the rug out from under the global control agenda.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    And I ALSO agree with you, Fred, that it's all a big play and dance and there's nothing to WORRY about. I'm just interested in being effective in shifting the dominant paradigm to something more peaceful.

    Brotherly love and all that. Away with clubs and cliques. Let's GET DOWN!

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Yes, Christopher. Things seem to be accelerating. And I'm finding as they do, it's the personal work that each of us are doing that is becoming even more important. Take care and enjoy the ride! With much love and joy, Fred

  • 5 years ago

    I'm so ready for this. It's been a long time coming. I feel like I'm on the front line sometimes, but I'm loving it. Pass me a beer and a joint and I'll watch it go down with you.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    I feel like if we're going to partake, we need to be Drunken Fist style. Still capable. And the super powers I want to have are FLYING (obviously) and the ability to transform and shift energies as well as transmute elements (like breaking down trash, garbage and other pollution to readily usable and beneficial substances). Able to halt war and purposeless fighting. Alter the milieu...

fredburks's picture5 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Personal/Spiritual Growth:
Hey beautiful friends, Below is a collection of quotes I've written over the years about the important role in intention in life. Take what works and leave the rest. And have a great one! With abundant love and joy, Fred The Power of Intention The clearer our intentions are as we move through this eternally unfolding moment of now, the more smoothly and delightfully we can invite transformation to continually unfold for all of us. Intention is a consciousness choice which gives clear direction and meaning to life in every moment without attachment to future outcome.
  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Wonderful, Fred! Stupendous! I'm there with ya, buddy! And for ya! Should you "need" it...

    The Neverending Story!

    It IS a beautiful world. And with more and more "right" intention, WE can transform it and send ripples through the omniverse healing past and future THROUGH the present (presence).

    ALL about it! One for all and all for one!

    ALOHA and In L'akesh

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Thanks, Chris. We are rockin' it!!! Much love, Fred

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Curious if you've ever studied Tantra or read the book Tantra Illuminated by Christopher D. Wallis. My wife and I are really enjoying it as an interface for our belief systems. She's a Yoga practitioner (more than i) and instructor, so its basis in that philosophy is good for her to explore. It's universality is immediately recognized by me. Great read, and not at all limited or specifically focused on sex, as a lot of derivatives and deviations from that school are.

    Dancing through realities,

    Brother Christopher

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Hey Christopher,

    I haven't read Tantra Illuminated, but I actually teach tantra and have great passion about healing the huge sexual wound on our planet. I'll make a note of that book. I only wish I had a sabbatical to read all of the awesome books I already have waiting to be read. Take care.

    With love and warm wishes,


fredburks's picture5 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Transformation Tools:
Hey beautiful friends, Below are some of my favorite quotes on the transformative power of love. Enjoy! With abundant love and joy, Fred Sacred Love: An open, timeless connection through which those involved feel naturally drawn to support and nurture each other's highest and deepest essence and intentions. Whenever I hug someone, I want to consciously focus on sending the energy of "Hey beautiful being! Thank you for being with me in this precious moment together." On the deepest levels every one of us is always held in sacred embrace by the collective love of all of us.
  • onesong's picture
    5 years ago

    Beautiful, Fred.

    Love is our greatest teacher. Each time our hearts break open wide, we have the ability to emerge stronger and ever more loving. As the cocoon moves from chrysalis to butterfly, so with our heart and soul growth. We strengthen our 'wings' and we learn to fly even higher.

    May love be what you are met with in each Holy instant.

    In connection, love and light. Peace be and so it is.

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Thank you, Kristyne. I feel incredibly blessed to be so loved and supported in my life by so many, and to be able to return the love and radiate out to all. Much love and many blessings to you!

5 years ago
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nickmiller73 posted a new Topic in Personal/Spiritual Growth:



So I've been struggling for a while to come up with a name to call my religion.  Everyone else has one picked out it seems and I'm still trying to figure mine out.  I never know quite what to call myself.  I usually say something like "I love all religions...but at the same time hate them all too..."


  • 5 years ago

    P.S. I am not starting a new religion or anything. I just reread my post.

    What I meant is in discussions with friends and such. I hope that clears it up a bit.

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    I can't think of a good name, Nick. But if someone asks you about your views on religion, you might respond by saying "Be careful or my carma will run over your dogma!" Enjoy!

  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Good for you, bro.

    Since it seems somewhat "fickle" (in a good way), you could refer to YOUR p.o.v. as Nickisms... Just first thing off my head.

    Robert Brezsny said something about our collective humanity eventually achieving 7+ billion different religions. And THEN we'll be free...

    Sort of hearkens back to your former post regarding spiritual evolution of humans.

    Words are particular. I prefer spiritual over religious. Uninstitutionalized. Less political.

    Old-fashioned but untraditional. Ritual over tradition. Subject to CHANGE, modification or adaptation.

    Maybe you can just scramble or mix up letters from your name. Shouldn't matter as there's no right or wrong. It's your thing.

    Unless you're trying to get others to join? Careful! Read Rogue Messiahs by Colin Wilson before starting your own cult!


  • tscout's picture
    5 years ago

    Just keep looking,,,but don't name it! That's the point!

  • onesong's picture
    5 years ago

    So here's my go at it Nick...

    I am first and foremost a Spiritual being in a physical body. The physical body is the 'garment' I wear in this embodiment-it is not the "I" that I AM. In Spirit, I AM totally healed, healthy and whole.

    On the physical level I may or may not seem that to those I meet and that isn't the important part.

    That I understand the importance of my own Spiritual growth and self mastery while in this incarnation is the important part imo.

    I was raised in an Episcopal church, by parents that would leave it when it no longer resonated with their beliefs. My grandmother exposed me to every church and theology/theosophy she could find as a pre-teen and adolescent, as an adult I realize it was because her 'beliefs' were never adequately met by any of those 'religions'.

    One of my mentors talked about the word 'religion' as a way to Re-Legion the masses-and for centuries it seems religion has been that...but not as a means to affirm our Oneness, rather to separate, divide and conquer those who do not share the same 'beliefs'. That's still happening today.

    In the very center of the word belief you'll find the word 'lie'...not that our beliefs are all lies...but as you have said, as we change and grow it is natural that our 'beliefs' do as well.

    If I had to label what or how I believe, I'd have to say I most resonate with the Gnostic, the Essene and the Christian Mystics of old, but I also find Buddhism, the Tao and many Holy books to be of great value to my education in this lifetime.

    So I tell others, I believe in a Holistic Theology/Theosophy.

    God/Source/the energy of ALL CREATION, is bigger than we humans can even begin to fathom. No one religion is less or more important, many have the same basic tenents at the heart of them. Mine would be the religion of LOVE. Pretty simple: Love one another. Even when it seems difficult.

    For many years I looked outside myself thinking I was somehow separate from "God-ness" for the lack of a better word. What I find, is it isn't something found outside myself, Spirit lives and moves through the very center of my being, something that I acknowledge and accept as I move through daily practices, ritual and routines. When I honor that connection, no matter the circumstance, I am moving in faith with hope and beyond fear. It doesn't mean I always understand why the things in our lives happen the way they do, but at least in my life as I look back, I see how each experience has brought me to who I AM right now. Stronger, wiser, more loving, more patient and releasing fear.

    Love and LIght to you Nick.

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Wow!!! Thanks for sharing those beautiful and inspiring thoughts, Kristyne!

Starmonkey's picture6 years ago
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Starmonkey posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

I'll start this by saying I watch TOO MUCH YouTube. It would probably be my spirit animal if it weren't for my dog, Georgia. Just kidding. Not.

Abby Martin, ancient civilisations, global cataclysms, Nibiru and ufo stuff, SHARKS... It's too easy and addictive. And there are a bunch of freaks constantly posting THEIR wacky perspectives on things. Some are entertaining. Some are downright misinformation.

Now I noticed these "doomsday ranches" and the stupid "doomsday clock" at two minutes til midnight. What the hell?!

  • fredburks's picture
    6 years ago

    Sounds like you are ready for a change, Christopher. So many people with so much paranoia, I can understand you wanting more solitude. And if California slides off into the ocean, I'm ready for the ride of my life. It would be a wild and exciting way to go. Good luck and many blessings in all you are planning to do.

    With love and joy,


  • Starmonkey's picture
    6 years ago

    Thanks Fred! Change is inevitable! And picking up speed...

    Transformation as well. Lots of butterfly signs and portents lately.

    And yes, I agree it's quite a ride! For all!

    Wax those surfboards! Real or virtual...


  • Brian's picture
    6 years ago

    Star monkey. Maybe a general thought practice or prayer could be found to help you with your newly found sensitivity. I feel like you can create calm for your body in a few moments a day. An example: I say to myself in the morning, "this is a good day" or "this is going to be a good day". It usually is and it seems to make things less stressful for me. It's like a promise has been made so I can relax knowing things aren't going to go south.

fredburks's picture6 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Inspirations/Transformational Stories:

Hey beautiful Gathering Spot friends,

Below are a few quotes I've come up with about the co-creation of reality. Enjoy!

With abundant love and warm holiday wishes,

  • Bob07's picture
    6 years ago

    Thanks, Fred. Good thoughts, big and deep perspective. This seems true as far as words can express truth. Relating to one aspect of what you said: Sometimes I use the analogy of a mainstream computer and its many individual stations. Individually we're like these stations (monitor, keyboard, bells & whistles) and we tend to think of ourselves as having completely separate individual existences. But we forget that we're really conscious outposts of the central computer, which is the Consciousness in which we all take part. I think the new physics posits that there's only one Consciousness in the universe -- and it follows there's one Love. So our individual vantage point (focal point) is just a detail in the vast unborn, undying Awareness in which everything exists (or seems to; do hologram's actually exist?).

    Anyway, I love what you said near the beginning of your post: "The more I open to all of this, the more I realize it is silly to get so serious about it." ...and yet it seems natural to help wherever we can, since we all "inter-are" (using Thich Nhat Hahn's expression).

  • fredburks's picture
    6 years ago

    Cool, Bob. I like the computer analogy, even if it is a bit impersonal. Enjoy!

  • Bob07's picture
    6 years ago

    Of course, by "mainstream computer" I meant "mainframe computer." Yeah, it's a little impersonal. Analogies are always inadequate by their nature.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    6 years ago

    I dig, Fred!

    I'm switching tracks!

    I share sentiments with an analogy I recently watched again on Lost when Kate says to Jack "kind of unlike you, the whole glass half-full thing." And Jack replies "there's a glass?"


  • Brian's picture
    6 years ago

    "The goal is not to merge back into oneness, but rather for each part of the whole to explore the richness and variety of being,"

    I heard a Hindu mystic say that the Buddha got it wrong about trying to get back to essential oneness and that Hindu faith or advanced ideas therein was superior because it was about the many...

    You said a lot and deep too. Man.

    " I know that this understanding exists on some deep level within others, but most have unconsciously chosen to block it off."

    That's me in spades. I'm like the poster child for that

  • fredburks's picture
    6 years ago

    Yes. When I hear people say "we are one," I find myself saying "and we are many." If we were truly all one, you wouldn't be reading this and we wouldn't have anyone to interact with. I love that you are there and I am here and we get to explore with each other the uniqueness of each of our beings. The way I like to express that sentiment is by saying we are all divine. We are all interconnected in the same cosmic dance. And we all come from the same divine source. Much love and warm wishes to you all!

Brian's picture6 years ago
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Brian posted a new Video in General Discussion:

  I have watched several fascinating videos by a woman who appears to know how to analyze peoples body language. Listening to her is addictive. The video below analyzes two people who are said to be victims of abuse-Fred, I wanted you to see this...I feel it is a validation of the victims and it helps me to understand the odd parts of their expressions. Something she said about world leaders being in on it rings freshly true and appalling. ADMISSION: I find it hard personally to hear their testimony because I don't want the world to have such evil in it.

fredburks's picture6 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Spiritual Activism:

For those who might be interested in my recent adventures at the spiritual community of Damanhur in Italy, here's a write-up I made for my friends. Enjoy, and much love, Fred

  • Bob07's picture
    6 years ago

    Thanks for getting to this, Fred. Amazing, truly. Please give us a report on the Sacred Activism gathering.

  • fredburks's picture
    6 years ago

    Hey Bob, I've added the post on Tamera. Both of these places are shining examples of what's possible in our world. Thanks for your interest. Much love to you and yours!

  • Starmonkey's picture
    6 years ago

    Exciting stuff! I've been intrigued by Damanhur for years. I occasionally use the Synchronicity method of divination he developed. Sometimes the language is a bit challenging. I guess English and Italian are a BIT different, eh? Curious about above mentioned history of humanity. I'll read of your adventures there next...

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