new world order

Amazing Inerview with James Corbett -

Below is the link to an astounding video interview with independent journalist James Corbett, who is based in Japan.   I had never heard of him before lightwins post about Benjamin Fulford here today.  In this 2-part, half-hour interview he and his interviewer cover an amazing amount of ground regarding the depth and breadth of the mechanisms that the NWO parasites are using and have used for a long time, to achieve their ends.  It's a short in-depth summary of the big NWO picture.  Brilliant.

A Powerful Solution to the New World Order Dark Agenda Illuminati Plan using EFT

This guy in Australia has done a fantastic job of describing the dilemma I've been struggling with for a few years.  He's taken it further though and provides real hope for the situation we're all in.

I'm still exploring all the things he references, but it all sounds true and promising.

Divided emotions/feelings

I discovered today that I have two sets of reactions to information which I have been been recieving for some time now. The one set of inputs is regarding "Globalization", One World Order, and the demise of National Identity. This appears to be a very viable possibility in the not too distant future. Europe has already for a number of years now become the European Union.

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