Debtor's revolt
Hope you guys think this e-mail I got is as cool as I did.
Have you seen this?
This is cool for a few reasons:
1. It¹s ³ballsy² and a powerful message
Get by Giving
A call for a new monetary system
Posted below is the closing of an interesting analysis of the current economic mayhem we are experiencing. This article was written by Richard C. Cook and can be found in its entirity at:
I had not heard about the AMI before and want to investigate the site more at:
Money as Debt video
For people who don't have the patience to watch the long video about money in Lesson 18, Money as Debt is relatively brief and a lot of fun.
A Lease on Her Life
My Dear Friends,
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"