
POOF for Dec 13th, The World Before Us Is Beautiful

I don't always resonate with what "Poof" writes but this rings loud of some exciting changes in store which we have been expecting of course.  For those of you who have never heard of Poof, he/she is a blogger who chooses to keep their identity undisclosed.  The information Poof gives is frequently  outrageously truthful and explicit regarding the Dark and the Power Elite.  Poof walks a perilous pathway and has a lot of people who would like to see the Poofness disappear.  Anyway I hope you enjoy this little blog I am copying to you.

A Balanced View of 2012

I got the following in an email newsletter from Jean Hudson yesterday and felt is was a very positive and affirming comment on all the wild speculations regarding 2012 which are going around right now. Hope you all appreciate the direction which he points us.

Blessings of the Season

To my beloved Team members, I wish a glorious, joy-filled and beautiful Christmas, Hanakah, Winter Solstice, or whatever form  of beginnings and ending you celebrate.   And as we approach the new year, and the beginning of the last 4 years until 12-21-2012, I envision Light and Love filling and energizing you all in the sevice of others.


Heavy Heart

In the last couple of days, since the election, I have, rather than feeling light and joyous for the results, been feeling a heaviness of heart, a meloncholy which is unlike my normal high spirit and upward trending mood.

Openings in Time

It seems to me that time is beginning to swing around like the loose end of a hose at full pressure. I have seen numerous examples of people whose timelines have altered radically in a relatively short period. One of those people is me, and I am developing a theory about this.

A Channel of the Christ Light on these changing times - Oct '2008

THEO SALVUCCI, channel of the Christ Light, has written his first newsletter.  I have received channelings from Theo and been moved to a whole new awareness of myself and the worlds within and around me.   Enjoy this newsletter if it draws you.   - Kim

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"